Fight age-related memory loss!
It’s a cruel fact of life: our brains shrink as we get older. Many experts reckon that the average brain decrease 2% during each decade of adulthood.
So as a man in his early forties, I’ve lost just over 4% of my brain. By the time I’m 60, I’ll have lost 8%. And if I get to 80, I’ll have lost a whopping 12% of my brain. I feel dizzy even writing it down.
Worse still, the neurotransmitters in your brain begin to go on the blink as you get older. This means that messages travel a lot more slowly through the tissues of your brain. Poorer circulation also means that your brain doesn’t receive vital nutrients as efficiently. The result is that your brain cells don’t function as well as they used to.
So far, so bad.
But did you know that, despite all this, memory lapses and confusion are NOT an inevitable result of ageing? Or that there is a diet that could help your brain function improve?
Why your brain should be fat
It might surprise you to learn that the human brain is 60% fat. To keep its complex networks of fibres working properly, the brain needs good supplies certain types of fats, known as omega-3 fatty acids. Found in fish, animal meat and eggs, these fats are essential if you want to keep your brain healthy. They can also help you ward off depression, memory loss, aggression and learning difficulties.
A low-fat brain means that millions of vital fatty brain connectors begin to malfunction. As Dr Andrew McCulloch, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, says: “we are only just beginning to understand how the brain as an organ is influenced by the nutrients it derives from the foods we eat, and how diets have an impact on our mental health."
The problem is, we just aren’t getting enough of the good natural stuff these days. We eat two thirds less fish than 30 years ago. We eat fewer vegetables and, when we do, they’ve often travelled for thousands of miles, coated in pesticides.
Some experts believe the decline in our diet has opened the doors for dozens of mental health problems. Poor diet could has be linked to depression, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Now clinical trials are underway to find out whether omega-3 supplements could reduce problems such as depression, dementia and schizophrenia.
There are other fats your ageing brain needs, too…
3 ways to give your brain a boost
* Phosphatidylserine (PS) helps your brain cells do their jobs properly. You can give your PS levels a boost with supplements like soybean lecithin.
* Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) can improve your mood and memory while protecting the nerve cells in your brain. You can ask for these supplements at your local health store.
* Coensyme Q10 gives your brain energy, while also protecting your brain from the side-effects of that energy production: dangerous free radicals. Domestically farmed meat doesn’t have enough of this fat, so you’ll need daily supplements instead.
A fatty brain is good for your mood, memory and mental health. So try and eat high quality protein every day. Ideally, that means good organic meats and fish. Or you can top yourself up with the supplements I mention above.
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Freedom Of Your Heart
Imagination is your biggest obstacle to the realization and the being of who you already are. You imagine that you are who you think you are instead of being this "you" of the you that already is.
From then on in it is all downhill - as far as reality goes; as far as the seeing and being of who you are goes; as far as the allowing of the divine one to incarnate through the mindbody that you find yourself flowing through goes; as far as your freedom goes; as far as being the clarity of your heart goes.
Without a strong desire to come home to the heart of "you," you are not going to stand a chance of getting past your imagination and its endless futures of possibilities. Of course, your imagination is simply the past regurgitated and projected onto tomorrow. You cannot imagine what you have never known.
Imagination is not going to be of any help to you with you entering into the beingness of who "you" are. You are going to have to surrender, leave alone and let go of this activity of who you think you are to be the one that you truly are - your heart; the divine one of all time.
Who you are - this "you" of you - already is.
Now, imagine that! Wrap your laughing gear around that one!
You already are what you say you are looking for. You keep on trying to work out what you are doing "wrong" in terms of "being" the clarity of your heart without coming to understand that you are constantly and consistently furthering "out" from this "you" that is already here and flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through.
The constant trying to be who you think you are is the action that is "wrong" - if you are looking to be the freedom of this heart that is already true of "you". You believe yourself to be who you think you are and then you attempt to work out how you can "attain" this "you" of you to add to the basket of your attainments of who you think you are. This of course, cannot happen.
Who you think you are is not this "you" of you - and nor will it ever be. This mindbody that you keep on mistakenly associating your self to be is what this "you" is simply flowing through. It is the vehicle for this "you" to consciously realize itself through. It is what opens the way for the divine one to enter into its own manifestation with a greater capacity (purity and fullness) of itself - through you finding the immediacy of this "you" of you and of you stopping right here at and as this one; coming to being deeply at rest in the heart of existence, no matter the arisings around you.
You learn to move "from" this place of the "you" of you while the mindbody continues to be danced by the dance of life. You also learn that all of this is occurring with such grace, simplicity and freedom - on a momentary basis.
You will only lose sight of this wonderment of who "you" are and revert back to who you think you are through inattention. Inattention and who you think you are go hand in hand. "You" already stand free of it all.
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